Friday, December 26, 2008

The most famous games which inspired producers to make film versions of them.

Well known “Mortal Combat” (1990-s). One of the best famous fighting games ever been created as well as one of the most violent computer games. It is a first game where real actors were playing roles. In 1995 there was released a first movie under the name “Mortal Combat”. Combining eastern mythology and martial arts it had a great effect on public gathering many people in cinemas. Though, the second part of this movie made in 1997 totally failed. No wonder – it has kind of silly plot.
Legendary game "Doom" (1993) – has a quite simple plot: run ahead, change guns and shoot as much as you can. Such simplicity is a great chance for movie producer’s and script writer’s imagination, so everybody was looking forward to see an interesting gripping movie. Finally in year 2005 it was released. But what a disappointment was waiting for audience – it got failing grades of both critics and public. The Rock was nominated as Worst Actor in Razzie Awards.
Of course famous “Lara Croft” – two movies where screened Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003). Both of them had extreme popularity due to of Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft and hit plot of the game which very alike to Indiana Jones.
Movie “Hitman” (2007) taking roots and plot from “Hitman” game. Nameless agent 47 do not remember his name or anything about himself but has a tattoo “barcode” on his neck, working as a professional killer for International Contract Agency. Looking tough Timothy Olyphant played the leading role in this movie.
A good example of horror survival games “Silent Hill” served as a base for the same name movie (2006). А desperate mother who takes her adopted daughter goes to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car crash her daughter disappears. The mother is starting her search. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and a townspeople stuck in permanent purgatory, she begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town 30 years back. It became one of the most famous horror movies of 2000s. Game “Silent Hill” includes four parts nowadays so we should wait for the next part!
Still, I want to mark out “Alone In The Dark” (2005) which was based on the same name video adventure games. This movie won in two nominations “Worst Actress” and “Worst Director” in Razzie Awards. Two parts of “House of dead” which won “Worst Film” award. Three parts of “Resident Evil” based on video game where the leading role got Milla Jovovich and not a bad one.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Most famous logical games

Logical games – first of all they are addicting games when you start play – you long to get to the end, second – they develop logical thinking making certain good changes in our brains. You learn how to think!
There are a few logical gameswhich cross around the world became very popular in many countries. Let’s see the list of most popular of such logical and board games.
Mahjong (májiàng) also called mah-jongg one of the most famous logical board games that originated in China. It is involve skills, strategy, calculation and of course a lady Luck, includes elements of poker and Domino. The aim of player is to open pairs of cards with same pictures on.
Chess – almost all people in the world played chess once in life at least. Chess competitions took up a substantial place among other sport competitions. It is competitive game played between two players, also classified as a board game, because it is played on board in 64 squares of two colors. This game has Indian and Persian roots, though for thousands of years it was modified and appeared many strategies, new rules and classification of chess. In international tournaments famous chess champions like Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand earn millions of dollars!
Other famous logical game is a patience also called solitaire, which every of us has on the computer. There are many kind of patience exist nowadays of a quite similar character, but varying greatly in details. Solitaire is a card game played by single person. Microsoft and Apple include this games into system software package. Besides you can load different kind of this games from internet with no charge. It takes roots from a cartomancy. The objective of the patience is dealing cards from a shuffled deck into a prescribed arrangement on the tabletop by means of reordering them by suits and ranks. Each kind of solitaire has certain rules.
And of course Sudoku – Japanese puzzle game which was spread widely. The objective in this game is to fulfill a 9×9 grid (partially completed grid is given) the way that each column, each row, each of the nine 3×3 boxes would contain digits from 1 to 9 just one time! It is pretty hard, isn’t it?
This games and puzzles certainly will not harm you and your psyche. Opposite they will develop your logical skills raising IQ. Actually IQ test is a kind of logical game? Don’t you think? Plus most of these games are free in internet.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Interesting facts about games.

Show me the person who never played a game! Perhaps it is a one who doesn't know what means fun, though this article is for those who love games or at least think that he/she likes.
1. Many gamers know GTA - but not so many that aria of San Andreas in this game is 25 square kilometers - it's five times more then Liberty Sity.
2. The score record of all times in Pac-Man is 3,333,360 points.
3. Producers of Sega’s Space Channel 5 had a court examination with one lady, because of the character in the game was very alike her look - of course, she lost the hearing.
4. In the earliest version of Donkey Kong the name of Mario was Jumpman and he was a carpenter not a plumper.
5. First game with Easter Eggs is Adventure for Atari 2600; you could see names of creators in a secret room.
6. The guy who played James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2 passed casting occasionally, going with his daughter to another meeting.
7. Michael Jackson appeared in following popular games: Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Ready 2 Rumble Round 2, Space Channel 5 1 & 2, GTA: Vice City и Moonwalker.
8. Original CDs with FIFA 2001 smelled with grass.
9. The name of the game "ICO" in Japanese means "Let's go!"
10. The president of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime worked in Pizza Hut (this is what means "being smart"!)
11. Mario has no surname.
12. Lara Croft was planned to be Laura Cruz, though producers stopped on the second option.
13. As Entertainment Software Association says - the middle age of game players is 33 years old.
14. The source of inspiration for creating Katamari Damacy games was famous painter Picasso.
15. In 2001 a few students created a mechanism called "PainStation" which was pretty harmful for a body.
16. The voice of Solid Snake David Hayter wrote a script for the movie X-man
17. Supposaly the game playing of GameCube Animal Crossing can be prolonged up to 29 years.
18. Lara Croft got her big breast due to the work of designer Tobi Gard who increased it for 150% of original size - the rest of team supported this idea.
19. The voice of Chief in Halo is Steve Downes; he is DJ on the radio in Chicago.
20. The word "Nintendo" from Japanese can be translated like "leave your luck to the sky"
21. Now 24% of USA citizens after 50%. In 1999 it was only 9%.
22. Soundtrack for game Okami takes 5 CDs.
To be continue...
By now, just have some fun and play online games by yourself or with friends!

How does internet influence on elderly people.

Good news for all gamers! From a long time scientists are interesting in the influence of computer technologies on human brain's activity but mostly we hear about negative side like dependence from internet or game "fever". And rarely we can meet information about its positive influence on human brains.

Only recently they found out that internet search are positively influence on a brain's activity of elderly people, activating key centers of brains, which controls logical processes of mind. The most interesting fact is the regular internet search stimulates neuron actively of brain in those parts where it is detached while a common reading. Significant results of researches in this area give a hope to have a positive physiological effect and potential positive results from computer technologies in working with middle age and elderly patients.
The internet search can simulate brain activity, to train and even to improve its functionality. The simplest exercises of internet search (but regular) can increase brain activity even for elderly people. As you know - the ability of human brain to learn has no age limits.
They also found out that computer online games can decrease the danger on roads! How?
Recently one American company made an experiment: they sent one hundred thousand of game sets to clients between 50 and 75 y.o. Those PC games supposed to improve keenness of observation, to train memory, an eye sight and so on. The results were astonishing! 10 hours spent in playing similar computer games return the brain's sensitivity on 10 years back, including eye sight. So the common thinking that the human brain reaches it's peak and after with passing years getting weaker is wrong, because with some certain regular exercises you can keep your brains in a good shape.
Just like a body our brain needs regular exercises and care. Besides all what was said above - computer games improve a hearing, helps to get rid of fears, develop some skills for kids.
Though, "too much" is not good for anything, it concerns computer games and internet as well. To spend many hours every day playing computer games or chatting with friends will give an opposite result. So, know when to stop!

Strange achievements in video gaming field

Everybody knows about Guinness World Records book but not many of lucky guys can place his/her name into this book no matter how hard they try. Though some of people are really make incredible things in different fields of life. Anyhow online games (or video games) haven’t been considered till now.
Till then let’s see what we have:
The most spread character in video games is well known Mario which appeared in 116 different games not taking into account remakes.
The biggest number of players in multimode racing game was 132. All players where racing in TrackMania at once.
The longest sentence in the jail was given to Faiz Chopdat from UK in 2002 for playing Tetris on his mobile phone while the plain was in the air. It means, when you hear “please, turn off your mobile phone till the end of the flight” – so better do it!
The greatest number of item had to be collected to complete the game was in Donkey Kong 64: in total 3821. Players had to collect: 201 golden banana, 3500 colored banana, 40 banana medals, 20 banana fairies, 40 maps, 8 keys, 10 crowns, one coin Nintendo and one coin Rareware. Plus in this game there are endless number of banana coins, watermelons and earphones.
The smallest Tetris in the world – in Dutch Vrije University, on faculty of physics, with a help of microscope the game took place. Its’ teraminos were made of smallest glass spheres. The diagonal of each block was about only 1 micrometer!
The largest number of invectives was said during a game Quake III Aren which takes only one hour of playing. GVC team said 4397 invectives including a few round oaths which nobody ever heard before. They also used a whole box of computer mice, because they were hitting mice on the table each time when they are shouted.
The longest guidelines for games were made for the racing game Gran Turismo 4 in China and Japan. The pamphlet included 212 pages with catalogues of automobiles, introduction to racing physics and different professional advises.
The first game which inspired compositors to create a ballet was Dragon Quest. Please let me know if anyone saw this ballet, I wouldn’t mind to see as well!
May be the facts I was telling above will inspire you to create a new opera, a movie, to write a book or to make a new world record. Perhaps anyone thinks that he / she made a world record already playing online games or flash games or video games (it doesn’t matter) – please let me know!

Boon or bane?

90% of kids from 10 to 16 y.o. in USA spending around 20 hours a week playing computer games. This number just a little differ in Europe, Canada and Australia, where the level of economy is high than in South America and Africa for example. So we can claim that computer games are definitely influence on kid’s psyche, mentality and nervous system. And these kids are our future!
Buying computer every parent hopes that this advantage of high technologies will help a kid to develop good personal qualities, broaden mental outlook and finally to be well educated. Instead many youngsters prefer to play video games or online games in Internet! This point has both negative and positive sides, tough nowadays you cannot avoid the question: computer games are boon or bane?
First, let’s review negative aspects of video and online games. Virtual violence in these games may make kids more aggressive in real life. So experts do not suggest to play a kind of game where hunting down and killing people is the goal. Previous researches showed that after playing violence games for 3 months and more, behavior of kids is becoming more aggressive! So, dear parents, you definitely have to supervise what your child is playing on his computer. Otherwise there may be negative results, kid may start thinking that to kill, hit and kick other people is OK. We’ve heard a lot about kids where killing other kids. But not just online games are full of violence but TV and other media!
Though not taking into account “violent games” there are a few positive aspects we want to review. According to the recent research kids play online games regularly have better reaction time, visual activity and dexterity than kids who do not play games on computer. Games help children to identify things in a faster way, to develop skills in sport and business. The important feature of online games is sociability. I mean, being in USA kid communicate making friends with a kid from Japan or Europe. It heightens a level of culture and social activity excluding possibility of negative complexes appearance, which is of no small importance for future life of a kid. So, the games are boon or bane – just for you to decide! But for sure, being parents you have to supervise what your child is playing or watching. It depends from your responsibility and care which results you’ll get.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Traditions to celebrate a birthday in different countries

The birthday is a most favorite holiday for all children, when all the attention is only to a hero of the event. So we will talk about birthday traditions in different countries. Traditions to celebrate a birthday vary from continent to continent, from country to country, let’s see what kind of traditions different nations have:


I guess in China, a birthday is a best day of a year, because most families has only one child last time due to demographical reasons, so all the attention of parents and guests is to a kid. Though all kids are obliged to show a respect to his/her parents. Like, for example, girls must help in cooking and boys in house keeping. Normally noodles are invited to wish a child a long happy life.

Children of Japan have a largest number of holidays. Besides a birthday they has special holidays for girls and boys separately, holidays devoted to a certain human age. The born of a child is the most important event in life of the family. I would like to emphasize that the most important birthday dates of a child are 1, 3, 5, 7 years like 60 and 70 for olderly people.

In Vietnam, unfortunately, they do not recognize their individual birthdays, but use to celebrate it at the beginning of the New Year.

In Korea the most significant birthday is called “tol” and celebrated on the first year child’s birth. It includes certain traditions like a kind of fortunetelling, when people are trying to guess about the future of a child. They place things on the table in front of the child and let him to choose one of items. When he or she will grow up – he will get a profession or skills depending on what he or she chose. This popular old tradition has a place nowadays and has spread to other countries.


In South Africa people are following an old tradition: a presentation of a key made of aluminum foil or silver, or even gold, given by parents at age 21. It is suppose to be a symbol of a child’s readiness to unlock the door to his/her future.

In Europe the birthday celebration is quite similar thing, though each culture has a special zest:

For example, in Denmark, a flag is hoisted outside a window symbolizing the birthday of the house owner or someone who lives in. To make the child feel happy on birthday parents place all gifts around the bed while he/she is sleeping, then he/she can see them immediately upon awaking.

The special birthday dates in Holland are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21 – on these birthdays the boy or girl usually gets great gifts. And, of course, living in the country of Flowers – parents decorate the kid’s room, tables, chairs with beautiful flowers and balloons.

We can keep talking about birthday traditions in different countries as there are more then 200 countries in the world, not talking about nations or national groups.

Still one or the integral parts of each birthday all over the world are a birthday cake and birthday cards. We wish you every your birthday to be better then the previous one gathering many devoted friends and relatives together!

Here you can find best birthday ecards and printable birthday cards!