Friday, December 16, 2005

Other sites like this

The other day I was linked to by another blog with similar goal to mine. That being reviewing and posting games that people can play online for free (or at least with a free trial, which you can later cancel if you wish). So I decided to look around for some other sites that were similar to this one, giving you (the reader) more choices on finding games. And this is what I found. has a really impressive list of games (going back to 2003), with a nice layout. His reviews tend to be longer than mine, with well thought out reasons for playing each game as well as pointing out similar games you can play. He also reviews console games as well as putting in an occasional 'other' review. I keep saying he, but apparently it's a group effort going on.
is a listing of games posted by Mark Hurst who thought the games were good. Short and to the point descriptions of each game.

WaterCoolerGames seems to focus on games either for, or about businesses. Or as the author puts it: "A forum for the uses of videogames in advertising, politics, education, and other everyday activities, outside the sphere of entertainment." So, if you're interested in how businesses/politics/education and gaming have crossed paths, this is the site for you!

This next site isn't like mine, but it's very interesting. Games are art! in Santiago Siri's own words, "technology is starting to transform the gaming medium from a simple entertainment onto the most complex art form there is: music, physics, visual arts, acting, sound FX, 3D modelling, programming... almost any creative form can be involved in a game development project! So, just imagine all the worlds left to be made." They are discussing bothe the past and the future of games and the gaming industry.

Well, that's it for now, but I hope to find more gaming blogs like those above soon.