Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lenny Loosejocks goes to Pluto

In his latest adventure, Lenny Loosejocks is off to Pluto to disarm the bomb. A relatively simple point and click adventure, you must figure out the hidden puzzles to complete the game.

Hints: When you go down the first elevator, notice the lines on the wall? That's a nice map of the base you're in. Also, your final rank depends on how quickly you can finish the level. So, find the bomb, disarm it and then get back out to your ship as quickly as you can.

Categorize this under: Adventure, Puzzle

Play Lenny Loosejocks goes to Pluto at ezone.

Stuck? Here's a walkthrough for you.

After landing go right. Move the lever to go down (see the map on the wall?). Go right through the water, then right again. Click the lever to go up. Head right. Make sure the arrow on the lever is pointing up. Go right. Click on the lever to go up. Go left. Click on the lever to turn the heating machine off. Go right. Click on the lever to go down. Go left. Click the lever to light up the down arrow. Go right. Click on the lever to go down.

Notice the doorway to your right? It's closed. Go left. Click on the lever to open the door. Go right. GO right again to go through the doorway. Keep going right over the frozen ice (you turned off the heat, so the water froze).

Disarm the bomb by making all the squares green rather than red.

Go left to the elevator (a few rooms). Click on the lever to go up. Go left, turn the arrow up. Go right, go up the elevator. Go left, turn the heater back on. Go right, go down. Go left, go left, go down. Go left, and left again through the waterfall (btw, you had to turn the heater back on because this waterfall would be frozen and you wouldn't be able to pass through it). Go up, go left and take off.

Of course, if all you do is follow the walkthrough, you'll miss out on some fun stuff. So take a look around, too.