Thursday, October 5, 2006


De-Animator is a nice shoot the zombie flash game. With a six shooter, defend yourself against the hordes of oncoming zombies. The best part of this is the graphics, so take a close look at the details.

It's not enough just to fire in the right direction. You need to put the pointer on your target to hit with any kind of reliability, so make sure to aim before you fire. Also, it takes an extra click to reload, so keep track of how many shots you have left, and make sure to reload before the next zombie appears.

Once you get the hang of it, you should last a while, but more and more zombies will start to appear, making it harder to take them all down before they get to you. Tip: Zombies coming up out of the ground seem to be more vulnerable to a one-shot kill.

Categorize this under: Shooter, Action

Play De-Animator at artscool.