Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Shadowflare, All Episodes

ShadowFlare is a mission-based PC action/role-playing game that consists of 4 episodes. You start your journey as a hired mercenary working for gold, precious items, and fighting experience in a demon-ruled land. As you adventure through the vast ruins of what's left of the world, you'll deduce what happened and who's responsible for the devastation. Once you've reached a certain skill level in the game, you'll be able to choose a new profession for your character as a warrior, wizard/witch, or hunter.

ShadowFlare has a high level of difficulty; however, you will have an animal companion to fight alongside you so don't worry. You will come across many acquaintances, foes, and friends along the way, including the original demon himself, Dignosis, and his rival, the white angel Altecia.

Shadowflare is a hack-and- slash Diablo clone from Japanese developer Denyusha. Originally released in Japan in 2001, the game was later released in its entirety for the U.S. as four downloadable episodes (The first episode is available as freeware). If you want to play Episode Two you must have Episode One installed and completed as you will need to use your saved character from the completion of the first episode to begin the second one (same applies to Three and Four).

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Categorize this under: RPG, Adventure