Tuesday, January 17, 2006

David - Dawn of a King

Miniclip has brought out a new flash game, David -- Dawn of a King. But first, you must work your way up. You start out as David did, hunting down lost sheep. The adventure will continue from there.

The controls are easy to work with. Use the arrow keys to move, space bar to hit/kick and return to switch your weapons. Mind, you won't get your weapons until later in the game. A nice feature is the autoduck when you approach an overhang that you can't walk under, David will automatically duck down so he can fit.

Some of the noises are annoying (What is that beeping)? But as you would expect from a Miniclip game, the graphics are good. Also there are many levels to explore and enjoy, so get out there and become a king.

Play David - Dawn of a King at Miniclip.

Categorize this under: Adventure