Friday, January 20, 2006

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven is a single player flash game. You're objective is to get your ninja as high as you can by jumping up onto the next level. If you miss and fall of the screen, you lose a life. As you go up, records are falling down. Shoot them down (you really need to lead your shots in order to hit anything in this game) to score. If a death's head comes after you, you can't shoot it, but you can perform a spin attack when it gets too close. If it hits you, you will lose a life. As you climb, make sure you get the four golden records as they appear. Unlike the other records, these are stationary and are in hard to reach spots.

The weird part of this game is the lack of your ninja's ability to go side to side. You can jump up (up arrow key), perform a spin attack (down arrow key), and shoot an electric bundle at the falling records (left mouse). But you can't move left or right, making this seemingly simple game harder than it first appears. It is, however, a kids game, so don't expect to be too challenged.

Play Stairway to Heaven at protokid. You can register (get your high score posted) or you can play as guest.

Categorize this under: Arcade