Friday, May 11, 2007

Download Game

This is about download game, a war game that perform the heroic actions of Capt.Brian R. Chontosh, Cpl.Armand McCormick, and Cpl.Thomas Franklin. They are three Marines whose platoon gets caught in the kill zone on the road to Ad Diwaniyah in the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The Road to Baghdad

These hero men steer towards their attackers and dismount into a trench swarming with enemy fighters. Both of Capt.Chontosh and Cpl.McCormick fight tirelessly, try to replacing depleted ammo with salvaged enemy weapons and an RPG.

You can download this game, your goal is how to recreate the bravery that earned them a Navy Cross and a Silver Star, respectively? Goodluck Boy, click here to download game :