Slitherlink is a tough puzzle game based on a Japanese paper logic game. Draw one line along the edges of the squares so that each box that is marked with a number has the correct number of lines passing it by. So, if the box has a three in it, that box should have three of its four edges covered by a line to solve the puzzle.
No figure eights, no loops (except for the big one) and you have to draw your line on the edges. Keep in mind you can block off edges by using shift and the left mouse button to put an x on that edge. Its a very useful tool for helping you picture the solution.
See the picture... I've made a mistake somewhere and can't finish the one on the left, as is. On the right, I've made my corrections and finished this puzzle. On to the next!
Quite addicting and frustrating at the same time. There are 75 puzzles in all, 25 easy, 25 medium and 25 hard. I'm having trouble getting through the easy ones.
Unfortunately, the game does not save your progress for you, but you can figure out where you left off last time.
slitherlink at vgreality. Thanks to
JIG for finding this fun puzzler.