Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Publisher: Dovogame

Genre: Real Life | Status: Closed Beta



RichState is a free browser-based simulation game from Dovogame, publishers of Business Tycoon Online and Warflow, and is a free-to-play title, as usual. The game tasks players with several options such as creating and managing stores, selling products, looking out for your employees and keep an eye on the political structure.

However, there’s more to RichState than the management of business aspects,, and that is a car racing system. Players will be able of upgrading their cars with new parts to make them more powerful and versatile, capable of racing in several disciplines such as cross-country and super-formula. This aspect includes some RPG aspects, allowing for confrontation with NPCs and even other human players in PvP mode, which includes various stages: qualifications, races, elimination rounds and the exciting master tournament.

RichState free-to-play MMORPG PC gameRichState free browser simulation MMO gameRichState free MMO game screenshot