Thursday, May 11, 2006

Base Jumping

Base jumping is a comptetion that takes place between you and 3 other 'jumpers'. Jump from the highest hights at the word go and beat your competitors to the ground. Just make sure to deploy your parachute before you go splat!

Hit the space bar to jump, and then hit it again to deploy your parachute. If you deploy your parachute too soon, the other guys will pass you. Deploy it too late, and you could go splat. After each jump, keep an eye on your health bar (top). If you have enough health left, feel free to push the envelope and deploy later. You'll get hurt, but if you don't hit it too late, you'll beat the guy who managed to jump first.

There are only five leagues to beat before you can compete against the king. And don't worry too much if you aren't winning after the first jump. If you don't come in first after three jumps, you get to compete in the same league again. If you do too poorly, you'll be pushed down a league. The only way you will have to start over is if you go splat, so be careful.

Categorize this under: Sport (barely), Arcade

Play Base Jumping at miniclip.