Thursday, May 4, 2006

Final Fortress

Final Fortress lets you save the city from the invading hordes. Sounds familiar, right? That's right, it's another 'defend your castle' clone, but set in the modern age. Which means you get a really big cannon to shoot at the bad guys.

Take aim and fire with the mouse. Build up some automatic defenses. Don't forget to build a SAM site for any airborne attackers (helicopters, bombers, and fighters) and build some cannons to defend against any sea attacks.

There are only two levels in this teaser from Miniclip (the full version, which you can buy has 30 levels), but those two levels are a lot of fun. Keep in mind, it takes money to make repairs, so don't spend all your money in between rounds. Also, once you move onto a new level, all those shiny auto weapons are left behind, so conserve yourself on the last phase (5 phases for each level).

Also, you can save in between levels, so if you need to walk away in the middle of the fight, you can start back up where you left off.

Categorize this under: Shooter, Action

Play Final Fortress at Miniclip.