Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mr Meaty The Game!

Mr Meaty is based on the cbc show of the same name. Take charge of Josh or Parker in an attempt to defend their jobs and their lives against the hordes of mice and headless chickens. Oh, and don't forget the security guards, the snakes, and the robotic cookers. And that's all before you get to the level bosses.

Use the arrow keys to move, space bar to fire (your ketchup and mustard bottles). Duck down to hit the mice. Multiple hits are needed to take down the security guard.

When you get to the level bosses, keep an eye on your health and theirs in the top left. This is a kids game, so if you're an experienced gamer, you should be able to finish this game fairly quickly.

Categorize this under: Arcade

Play Mr Meaty the game at cbc.