Monday, May 29, 2006


Bubbles is a simple arcade game I saw over at jayisgames. While it's a simple game to play, it can become very addicting, very quickly. You have been warned.

Move your character left and right and hit the space bar to fire your harpoon. Your job is to pop the bubbles before they get you. Any bubble that hits the line trailing out of your harpoon will pop. You only get one life to live, so be careful. Powerups sometimes drop out of popped bubbles, so keep your eyes open.

Hint: Smaller bubbles don't bounce up over your head, so you won't be able to hit them directly. Instead, you'll need to get close and fire your harpoon (the harpoon only fires straight up). Move out of the way and let the bubble bounce into the line.

My best strategy is to try and keep all the bubble on one side. If you manage to do so, you can keep from getting trapped.

Categorize this under: Arcade

Play Bubbles at 2addicted.