Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Bike Mania 2

Bike Mania 2 is similar to games such as BMX Backflips . You have a limited amount of time to get through the obstacle course by riding your bike over the objects. Just don't tip over and land on your head, or else it's game over. Takes a little bit of strategy not to overcompensate, but you'll get the idea after the first bump in the road.

Use the arrow keys to control the rider, up to move forward, down to move back, left to lean back, and right to lean forward. Hint: If you just try to race over the obstacles without leaning one way or the other, you'll bounce head over heals.

Overall, I'd rate this game higher than BMX Backflips. It has better backgrounds, and better controls. The sound effects aren't bad, but aren't great either. And it's challenging to play.

Categorize this under: Racing, Sport

Play Bike Mania 2 at flashgames247.